Oh, I have NO idea where to start!!! I feel so far behind on my blogging. I don’t know what happened. Well, I am just going to go back as far as I can remember, and that was way back to March 16th.
It was the Friday that started my spring break. Boy, was it hectic!!! I was running all over campus. I went to my first class, and after class, I got offered a student worker position. Of course, I said yes. So, I had to go get the paperwork. Then, I had Food’s lab. A normal group has four, and I was in a group of two. Fun, fun!! Lab was over at 1:00, and I had to run to my next class to take a test. Finally, I met up with Manda to go and get her prom dress. We took off towards Jacksonville. We were so lucky because the first dress she tried on was IT. I was thrilled. This is the only pic I have. However, I will sooo have more after prom.
Hmm… What next?
Well, I am not sure if I have mentioned this or not, but Tyler and I finally broke down and bought bikes. We got them to get into shape. Most people try to take it easy when starting an exercise regimen, but not us. Saturday morning, we got up took our bikes on a nice enjoyable LONG ride. I am not sure exactly how long it was, but it was about 10 miles. It took us 1 hour and half, and I was exhausted.
After I had recovered from that with nice fatty Mexican food, we helped Manda with some painting. Manda and I had red paint head-to-toe when we finished. I had also gained a sexy farmer’s tan.
I was glad we were outside for the weekend because it rained most of the rest of the week. However, when it rains, it gives me an excuse to lay around, watch movies, and eat brownies. I caught Manda and Ty sneaking brownie batter.
The best part of spring break was playing with my lil’ man. Christopher is growing up so fast, and he is at the funnest age right now. (I just noticed that Tyler is in almost every picture of C. It doesn’t really look like I am hanging with him.)
Christopher got a trampoline, too. His favorite thing to do was have Uncle Bubba lay underneath it and bounce him. Very funny in person.
One night during spring break, Tyler and I ran to Wal*Mart for something. Somehow we ended up in the toy section, and Tyler found the superhero stuff.
One day during spring break, Tyler had to get up early and do some work. He told me if I went with him he would get me some donuts. How can a girl say no to donuts?
I ended spring break with a campfire and s’mores. It was a bitter-SWEET way to end it. :)
This is the last picture I took while I was officially on spring break.
That concludes spring break.
Let’s talk about some food…
First off, this is a monster strawberry. It wasn’t even the only one in the package like this. Crazy?!?!?!Tyler and I had to get groceries after spring break. Tyler was looking at some turkey burgers and we found this. The label really confused us.
Other than all that, I have been busy. I started working this week. So, I have been running around trying to learn what to do. C had surgery today, so I have been thinking about him all day and checking my phone for updates. Everything went great, and he is at home resting. I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for a few days off. Manda’s senior pictures will be ready for viewing on Saturday, so I have that to look forward to.
Have a good rest of your week!!!